SABRE Paintball Club
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About us
SABRE Paintball Club
The SABRE Paintball Club is a not-for-profit association based in South Australia and founded in 2012. We exist to provide South Australians with a unique paintball experience known as bushball.
Bushball embodies:
- traditional paintball skirmishes
- orienteering
- multiple mission based game objectives
- longer game times
- larger game areas
- a coordinated force on force approach to gameplay.
SABRE activities include club day games from March to November each year, and an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all members in January.
The volunteer SABRE committee are elected from the membership by majority vote prior to the SABRE AGM. The term of the committee is a period of 12 months.
The primary functions of the committee include:
- providing leadership, governance and strategic direction
- a central point of contact, administration and decision making for members, guests, volunteers, suppliers and other organisations
- supporting volunteers in the delivery of SABRE activities
- maintaining club registers, including membership and club owned equipment
- ensuring compliance by members and guests with all safety policies and procedures
- recording of club meetings and financial transactions.
Volunteers are drawn from the SABRE membership and are the life blood of the club. Positions vary from short to long term roles.
Volunteer roles include but are not limited to:
- serving on the committee
- purchasing, transporting and/or storage of club equipment and supplies
- event registrations
- moderating SABRE online comms
- cooking a BBQ
- developing game missions
- refereeing and ensuring safe practices during games
- photography and/or video production
- safety inspections of club, member and guest equipment.
The membership is made up of passionate and enthusiastic bushball players of all ages who have a shared love for a day out playing paintball with their mates. All functions and activities of the SABRE Paintball Club are designed to provide members with an exceptional bushball experience.
Members provide SABRE with:
- new ideas
- enthusiasm, passion and drive
- advocacy, credibility and financial sustainability
- buddy checking of safety policies and procedures
- the invitation and supervision of guests
- supporting guests in becoming SABRE members.
Guests are a welcome presence in the club and are short term members of the club bound by all SABRE policies and procedures. SABRE does provide limitations on the number of guests per event to ensure that both members and guests have a great day out.
Guests bring to SABRE:
- a fresh mindset
- enthusiasm and advocacy
- increased diversity
- financial sustainability
- the opportunity to grow the club membership
Suppliers of products and services that support SABRE are an important stakeholder in the club. Our suppliers are many and varied, and maintaining a positive relationship all our suppliers is critical to the clubs long term objectives.
Suppliers may include:
- online services such as websites, forums and social media channels
- paintball field operators and staff
- vendors that provide specialised services
- printers and badge makers
- hotels and motels
- online distributors of various products and services